On integrals in multi-output discrete-time Kalman-Bucy filtering
Anders Lindquist
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0120771
Abstract:The problem of determining the error covariance matrix for a discrete-time Kalman-Bucy filter is equivalent to solving a certain
n×n-matrix Riccati equation, which, due to symmetry, contains 1/2 n(n+1) scalar, coupled first-order difference equations. In this paper we show that, under the extra assumption that the underlying
system is stationary, the matrix Riccati equation can be replaced by an algorithm containing mn first-order difference equations, where m is the number of outputs. Hence we have reduced the number of first-order recursions whenever, as is often the case, mn+1). This reduction is however bought at the expense of greater algebraic complexity, and therefore, at present, the merit
claimed for this result is that of theoretical insight rather than computational efficiency. We hope that this insight will
bring about better numerical procedures in the future. The reduction is achieved through the exploitation of certain redundancies
in the matrix Riccati equation. Although the main portion of this paper is concerned with stationary systems, our method also
works in a more general setting. Hence we investigate what happens when the assumption of stationarity is removed, and, under
certain conditions, we find that the matrix Riccati equation can be replaced by vn first-order recursions, where v≤n. We conjecture that this is true in general.