A multilevel Analysis of Saudi Arabian Student 8th Grade Mathematics Achievement TIMSS 2011

Maha Al-Mutairi,Khaled Bennour
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2203.01815
History and Overview
Abstract:This article uses the hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) technique to explain causally the Mathematics Performance achievement of students in Saudi Arabia. Particularly, the HLM technique was applied to the TIMSS 2011 data set where five variables (Home educational resources (BSBGHER), Like learning mathematics (BSBGSLM), Self-confidence in mathematics (BSBGSCM), Engaged in mathematics learning (BSBGEML), Value learning math (BSBGSVM)) at the student level and three variables (Emphasis on academic success (BCBGEAS), School discipline and safety (BCBGDAS), and Instruction affected by mathematics resources shortages (BCBGMRS) at the school level, were used to build the hierarchical linear model so as to predict the status of mathematically 8th grader. The final model suggested that all the student level factors are found to be significant but their impact on achievement do not vary significantly across the population of schools, i.e. BSBGHER, BSBGSLM, BSBGSCM, BSBGEML, and BSBGSVM significantly predicted the status of Mathematics Performance achievement of students in Saudi Arabia. At the school level, it is found that BCBGDAS and BCBGMRS have a significant impact on performance. However, a scale point increase in the availability of school resources for mathematics decreased achievement by 4 points.
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