Controlling $^{229}$Th isomeric state population in a VUV transparent crystal
Takahiro Hiraki,Koichi Okai,Michael Bartokos,Kjeld Beeks,Hiroyuki Fujimoto,Yuta Fukunaga,Hiromitsu Haba,Yoshitaka Kasamatsu,Shinji Kitao,Adrian Leitner,Takahiko Masuda,Guan Ming,Nobumoto Nagasawa,Ryoichiro Ogake,Martin Pimon,Martin Pressler,Noboru Sasao,Fabian Schaden,Thorsten Schumm,Makoto Seto,Yudai Shigekawa,Koutaro Shimizu,Tomas Sikorsky,Kenji Tamasaku,Sayuri Takatori,Tsukasa Watanabe,Atsushi Yamaguchi,Yoshitaka Yoda,Akihiro Yoshimi,Koji Yoshimura
Abstract:The radioisotope Th-229 is renowned for its extraordinarily low-energy, long-lived nuclear first-excited state. This isomeric state can be excited by VUV lasers and the transition from the ground state has been proposed as a reference transition for ultra-precise nuclear clocks. Such nuclear clocks will find multiple applications, ranging from fundamental physics studies to practical implementations. Recent investigations extracted valuable constraints on the nuclear transition energy and lifetime, populating the isomer in stochastic nuclear decay of U-233 or Ac-229.
Nuclear Experiment,Atomic Physics