Propagation Phenomena for a Bistable Lotka–Volterra Competition System with Advection in a Periodic Habitat
Li-Jun Du,Wan-Tong Li,Shi-Liang Wu
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Abstract:This paper is concerned with a Lotka–Volterra competition system with advection in a periodic habitat $$\begin{aligned} {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{\partial u_1}{\partial t}=d_1(x)\frac{\partial ^2 u_1}{\partial x^2}-a_1(x)\frac{\partial u_1}{\partial x} +u_1\left( b_1(x)-a_{11}(x)u_1-a_{12}(x)u_2\right) ,\\ \frac{\partial u_2}{\partial t}=d_2(x)\frac{\partial ^2 u_2}{\partial x^2}-a_2(x)\frac{\partial u_2}{\partial x} +u_2\left( b_2(x)-a_{21}(x)u_1-a_{22}(x)u_2\right) , \end{array}\right. } t>0,~x\in {\mathbb {R}}, \end{aligned}$$where $$d_i(\cdot )$$, $$a_i(\cdot )$$, $$b_i(\cdot )$$, $$a_{ij}(\cdot )$$ $$(i,j=1,2)$$ are L-periodic functions in $$C^\nu ({\mathbb {R}})$$ for some $$L>0$$. Under certain assumptions, the system is bistable between two (linearly) stable periodic steady state solutions $$(0,u_2^*(x))$$ and $$(u_1^*(x),0)$$. We establish the existence of pulsating traveling front $$(U_1(x,x+ct),U_2(x,x+ct))$$ connecting $$(0,u_2^*(x))$$ to $$(u_1^*(x),0)$$. Furthermore, we confirm that the pulsating traveling front is globally asymptotically stable for wave-like initial values. We finally show that such pulsating traveling front is unique (up to translation). The methods involve the sub- and supersolutions, spreading speeds of monostable systems, and the monotone semiflows approach. From the biological point of view, this kind of pulsating traveling front provides a spreading way for two strongly competing species interacting in a heterogeneous habitat.