[Becoming breastfeeding friendly in Germany-an international research project to assess the readiness to scale up breastfeeding]
Maria Flothkötter,Julia Kunath,Stephanie Lücke,Katharina Reiss,Juliane Menzel,Cornelia Weikert
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00103-018-2784-1
Abstract:Despite known positive effects for breastfed children and their mothers, only one third of children under four months of age are breastfed exclusively. In addition, an overview of structures, actors, and measures to promote breastfeeding in Germany is missing. In a two-year international research project entitled Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly (BBF), the current status of German breastfeeding support is systematically evaluated on the basis of the Breastfeeding Gear Model (BFGM) which was developed by the Yale School of Public Health. Therefore, committee members with expertise in the healthcare sector, science, policy, and communication evaluate 54 benchmarks of the eight relevant gears: advocacy, political will, legislation & policies, funding & resources, training & program delivery, promotion, research & evaluation, coordination, and goals & monitoring. Based on the identified strengths and needs, concrete calls to action for scaling up breastfeeding promotion are derived and prioritized. BBF started in September 2017 and is conducted in cooperation with the Yale School of Public Health by the Healthy Start - Young Family Network as well as the National Breastfeeding Committee as an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Nutrition and Agriculture. The project assesses the framework conditions for breastfeeding and thus makes a valuable contribution to the health promotion of mother and child and to breastfeeding protection in Germany.