Twin Burden of Co-morbidity (TB with DM): Awareness and effect of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) on treatment outcome of tuberculosis among patients attending TB Clinic in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi

P. Verma,S. Tp,V. Tiwari
Abstract:According to WHO Report 2014, the estimated prevalence of TB in India is 2.5 millionand 0.22 million deaths are occurring due to TB every year. An increasing prevalence of DM maycounteract the positive effects of improved curative services for TB. In order to assess the comorbidityofDM&TBandalsoawarenessregardingeffectofDMon treatment outcome of TB, astudy was conducted among 220 TB patients attending TB Clinic in Tertiary Hospital in Delhi. Itwas found that out of 220 TB patients, 36 patients (16%) were co-morbid. Among co-morbidpatients, the age distribution skewed towards higher age groups as compared to TB patients. Comorbidity was higher among females (64%) as compared to males (36%). According toKuppuswamy’s Socio-economic status scale 78% of co-morbid patients and 58% of TB patientsbelonged to Lower/ upper lower socio-economic class. Majority of patients were either illiterate oreducated upto middle school. Statistically significant association in knowledge about DM with gender, level of educationand place of residence was found. Nearly 80% all aware cases and 50% of co-morbid cases wereaware that high sugar intake, overweight or obesity are the leading risk factors for DM. Only onethird of patients, who were aware about DM, knew that diabetic patients are more prone toacquire TB infection and further less awareness was found regarding the effect of DM on thetreatment of TB. In case of co-morbid cases, only 50% were aware that uncontrolled DM delaysthe cure of TB. Findings also suggested that the sputum conversion rate among the co-morbidpatients was low compared with the only TB patients. The study recommends that screening forDM in all patients diagnosed with TB and their counselling should be made compulsory.
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