Statistical Outlier Curation Kernel Software (SOCKS): A Modern, Efficient Outlier Detection and Curation Suite
Prasanta Pal,Remko Van Lutterveld,Nancy Quirós,Veronique Taylor,Judson Brewer
Abstract:Real world signal acquisition through sensors, is at the heart of modern digital revolution. However, almost every signal acquisition systems are contaminated with noise and outliers. Precise detection, and curation of data is an essential step to reveal the true-nature of the uncorrupted observations. With the exploding volumes of digital data sources, there is a critical need for a robust but easy-to-operate, low-latency, generic yet highly customizable, outlier detection and curation tool, easily accessible, adaptable to diverse types of data sources. Existing methods often boil down to data smoothing that inherently cause valuable information loss. We have developed a C++ based, software tool to decontaminate time- series and matrix like data sources, with the goal of recovering the ground-truth. The SOCKS tool would be made available as an open-source software for broader adoption in the scientific community. Our work calls for a philosophical shift in the design pipelines of real- world data processing. We propose, raw data should be decontaminated first, through conditional flagging of outliers, curation of flagged points, followed by iterative, parametrically tuned, asymptotic converge to the ground-truth as accurately as possible, before performing traditional data processing tasks.