Vienna Circle and Logical Analysis of Relativity Theory
H. Andréka,J. X. Madarász,I. Németi,P. Németi,G. Székely
Abstract:In this paper we present some of our school's results in the area of building up relativity theory (RT) as a hierarchy of theories in the sense of logic. We use plain first-order logic (FOL) as in the foundation of mathematics (FOM) and we build on experience gained in FOM.
The main aims of our school are the following: We want to base the theory on simple, unambiguous axioms with clear meanings. It should be absolutely understandable for any reader what the axioms say and the reader can decide about each axiom whether he likes it. The theory should be built up from these axioms in a straightforward, logical manner. We want to provide an analysis of the logical structure of the theory. We investigate which axioms are needed for which predictions of RT. We want to make RT more transparent logically, easier to understand, easier to change, modular, and easier to teach. We want to obtain deeper understanding of RT.
Our work can be considered as a case-study showing that the Vienna Circle's (VC) approach to doing science is workable and fruitful when performed with using the insights and tools of mathematical logic acquired since its formation years at the very time of the VC activity. We think that logical positivism was based on the insight and anticipation of what mathematical logic is capable when elaborated to some depth. Logical positivism, in great part represented by VC, influenced and took part in the birth of modern mathematical logic. The members of VC were brave forerunners and pioneers.
Logic,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology