A diagrammatic calculus for categorical quantum protocols
Dusan Dordevic,Zoran Petric,Mladen Zekic
Abstract:As shown by Abramsky and Coecke, quantum mechanics can be studied in terms of dagger compact closed categories with biproducts. Within this structure, many well-known quantum protocols can be described and their validity can be shown by establishing the commutativity of certain diagrams in that category. In this paper, we propose an explicit realisation of a category with enough structure to check the validity of a certain class of quantum protocols. In order to do this, we construct a category based on 1-dimensional cobordisms with attached elements of a certain group freely generated by a finite set. We use this category as a graphical language, and we show that it is dagger compact closed with biproducts. Then, relying on the coherence result for compact closed categories, proved by Kelly and Laplaza, we show the coherence result, which enables us to check the validity of quantum protocols just by drawing diagrams. In particular, we show the validity of quantum teleportation, entanglement swapping (as formulated in the work of Abramsky and Coecke) and superdense coding protocol.
Category Theory,Quantum Physics