Highly sensitive detection of Epstein-Barr virus-infected cells by EBER flow FISH
Dan Tomomasa,Kay Tanita,Yuriko Hiruma,Akihiro Hoshino,Ko Kudo,Shohei Azumi,Mitsutaka Shiota,Masayoshi Yamaoka,Katsuhide Eguchi,Masataka Ishimura,Yuka Tanaka,Keiji Iwatsuki,Keisuke Okuno,Asahito Hama,Ken-Ichi Sakamoto,Takashi Taga,Kimitoshi Goto,Haruka Ota,Akihiro Ichiki,Kaori Kanda,Takako Miyamura,Saori Endo,Hidenori Ohnishi,Yoji Sasahara,Ayako Arai,Benjamin Fornier,Ken-Ichi Imadome,Tomohiro Morio,Sylvain Latour,Hirokazu Kanegane
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12185-024-03786-0
International Journal of Hematology
Abstract:When Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is suspected, identification of infected cells is important to understand the pathogenesis, determinine the treatment strategy, and predict the prognosis. We used the PrimeFlowTM RNA Assay Kit with a probe to detect EBV-encoded small RNAs (EBERs) and multiple surface markers, to identify EBV-infected cells by flow cytometry. We analyzed a total of 24 patients [11 with chronic active EBV disease (CAEBV), 3 with hydroa vacciniforme lymphoproliferative disorder, 2 with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease type 1 (XLP1), 2 with EBV-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and 6 with posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD)]. We compared infected cells using conventional quantitative PCR methods and confirmed that infected cell types were identical in most patients. Patients with CAEBV had widespread infection in T and NK cells, but a small amount of B cells were also infected, and infection in patients with XLP1 and PTLD was not limited to B cells. EBV-associated diseases are believed to be complex pathologies caused by EBV infecting a variety of cells other than B cells. We also demonstrated that infected cells were positive for HLA-DR in patients with CAEBV. EBER flow FISH can identify EBV-infected cells with high sensitivity and is useful for elucidating the pathogenesis.