Astro2020 APC White Paper: Astronomy should be in the clouds
Arfon M. Smith,Rob Pike,William O'Mullane,Frossie Economou,Adam Bolton,Ivelina Momcheva,Amanda E Bauer,Bruce Becker,Eric Bellm,Andrew Connolly,Steven M. Crawford,Nimish Hathi,Peter Melchior,Joshua Peek,Arif Solmaz,Ross Thomson,Erik TollerudI,David W. Liska
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Abstract:Commodity cloud computing, as provided by commercial vendors such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, has revolutionized computing in many sectors. With the advent of a new class of big data, public access astronomical facility such as LSST, DKIST, and WFIRST, there exists a real opportunity to combine these missions with cloud computing platforms and fundamentally change the way astronomical data is collected, processed, archived, and curated. Making these changes in a cross-mission, coordinated way can provide unprecedented economies of scale in personnel, data collection and management, archiving, algorithm and software development and, most importantly, science.