Learning Cross-view Geo-localization Embeddings via Dynamic Weighted Decorrelation Regularization
Tingyu Wang,Zhedong Zheng,Zunjie Zhu,Yuhan Gao,Yi Yang,Chenggang Yan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2211.05296
Abstract:Cross-view geo-localization aims to spot images of the same location shot from two platforms, e.g., the drone platform and the satellite platform. Existing methods usually focus on optimizing the distance between one embedding with others in the feature space, while neglecting the redundancy of the embedding itself. In this paper, we argue that the low redundancy is also of importance, which motivates the model to mine more diverse patterns. To verify this point, we introduce a simple yet effective regularization, i.e., Dynamic Weighted Decorrelation Regularization (DWDR), to explicitly encourage networks to learn independent embedding channels. As the name implies, DWDR regresses the embedding correlation coefficient matrix to a sparse matrix, i.e., the identity matrix, with dynamic weights. The dynamic weights are applied to focus on still correlated channels during training. Besides, we propose a cross-view symmetric sampling strategy, which keeps the example balance between different platforms. Albeit simple, the proposed method has achieved competitive results on three large-scale benchmarks, i.e., University-1652, CVUSA and CVACT. Moreover, under the harsh circumstance, e.g., the extremely short feature of 64 dimensions, the proposed method surpasses the baseline model by a clear margin.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition