The LOFAR-eFEDS survey: The incidence of radio and X-ray AGN and the disk-jet connection
Z. Igo,A. Merloni,D. Hoang,J. Buchner,T. Liu,M. Salvato,R. Arcodia,S. Bellstedt,M. Brüggen,J. H. Croston,F. de Gasperin,A. Georgakakis,M. J. Hardcastle,K. Nandra,Q. Ni,T. Pasini T. Shimwell,J. Wolf
Abstract:Radio jets are present in a diverse sample of AGN. However, the mechanisms of
jet powering are not fully understood, and it is yet unclear to what extent
they obey mass-invariant scaling relations, similar to those found for the
triggering and fuelling of X-ray selected AGN. We study the incidence of
eROSITA/eFEDS X-ray and LOFAR radio AGN as a function of several stellar mass
normalised AGN power indicators. A new sample of radio AGN from the LOFAR-eFEDS
survey is defined and we publicly release this catalogue, including host galaxy
counterparts from the Legacy Survey DR9, LOFAR radio morphologies and host
galaxy properties from the complete, spectroscopic (z<0.4) GAMA09 survey. The
fraction of GAMA09 galaxies hosting radio, X-ray and both radio and X-ray AGN
are calculated as a function of the specific black hole kinetic ($\lambda_{\rm
Jet}$) and radiative ($\lambda_{\rm Edd}$) power. The incidence of eFEDS X-ray
AGN as a function of $\lambda_{\rm Edd}$ shows the same mass-invariance as
found in past studies. Meanwhile, radio AGN, regardless of their morphology,
are more likely to be hosted in more massive galaxies, at all $\lambda_{\rm
Jet}$. Across the stellar mass range, the compact radio AGN incidence follows
the same power-law distribution, showing that it is not only high mass galaxies
that host high power radio AGN and vice versa. On the other hand, the incidence
of compact and complex radio AGN is boosted at the highest jet powers,
diverging from a simple power-law. Interestingly, this increased incidence
cannot be explained by more powerful radio AGN lying in more dense environments
which could naturally boost their radio luminosity. Overall, we show that
statistical incidence studies are a powerful method to probe disk-jet coupling
for different AGN accretion modes, although future work on a more reliable
determination of jet power for diverse samples of radio AGN is needed.
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena,Astrophysics of Galaxies