Alterations in Homologous Recombination-Related Genes and Distinct Platinum Response in Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancers: A Subgroup Analysis of the ProfiLER-01 Trial
Elise Bonnet,Véronique Haddad,Stanislas Quesada,Kim-Arthur Baffert,Audrey Lardy-Cléaud,Isabelle Treilleux,Daniel Pissaloux,Valéry Attignon,Qing Wang,Adrien Buisson,Pierre-Etienne Heudel,Thomas Bachelot,Armelle Dufresne,Lauriane Eberst,Philippe Toussaint,Valérie Bonadona,Christine Lasset,Alain Viari,Emilie Sohier,Sandrine Paindavoine,Valérie Combaret,David Pérol,Isabelle Ray-Coquard,Jean-Yves Blay,Olivier Trédan
Abstract:Background: a specific subset of metastatic triple-negative breast cancers (mTNBC) is characterized by homologous recombination deficiency (HRD), leading to enhanced sensitivity to platinum-based chemotherapy. Apart from mutations in BRCA1/2 genes, the evaluation of other HRD-related alterations has been limited to date. As such, we analyzed data from mTNBC patients enrolled in the ProfiLER-01 study to determine the prevalence of alterations in homologous recombination-related (HRR) genes and their association with platinum sensitivity. Methods: next-generation sequencing and promoter methylation of BRCA1 and RAD51C were performed on tumors from patients with mTNBC, using a panel of 19 HRR genes. Tumors were separated into three groups based on their molecular status: mutations in BRCA1/2, mutations in other HRR genes (BRCA1/2 excluded) or BRCA1/RAD51C promoter methylation and the absence of molecular alterations in HRR genes (groups A, B and C, respectively). Sensitivity to platinum-based chemotherapy was evaluated through the radiological response. Results: mutations in BRCA1/2 were detected in seven (13.5%) patients, while alterations in other HRR genes or hypermethylation in BRCA1 or RAD51C were reported in 16 (30.7%) patients; furthermore, no alteration was found in the majority of patients (n = 29; 55.8%). Among 27 patients who received platinum-based chemotherapy, the disease control rate was 80%, 55% and 18% (groups A, B and C, respectively; p = 0.049). Regarding group B, patients with disease control exhibited mutations in FANCL, FANCA and the RAD51D genes or RAD51C methylation; Conclusion: mutations in HRR genes and epimutations in RAD51C were associated with disease control through platinum-based chemotherapy. As such, apart from well-characterized alterations in BRCA1/2, a more comprehensive evaluation of HRD should be considered in order to enlarge the selection of patients with mTNBC that could benefit from platinum-based chemotherapy.