Randomized Time- and Energy-Optimal Routing in Single-Hop, Single-Channel Radio Networks.
JL Bordim,JT Cui,K Nakano
Abstract:A Radio Network (RN, for short) is a distributed system with no central arbiter, consisting of p radio stations each of which is endowed with a radio transceiver. In this work we consider single-hop, single channel RNs, where each station S(i), (1 less than or equal to i less than or equal to p), initially stores si items which are tagged with the unique destination they must be routed. Since each item must be transmitted at least once, every routing protocol must take at least n = s(1) + s(2) + (. . .) + Sp time slots to route each item to its final destination. Similarly, each station S(i), (1 : i P), must be awake for at least si + d(i) time slots to broadcast si items and to receive di items, where di denotes the number of items destined for S(i). The main contribution of this work is to present a randomized time- and energy-optimal routing protocol on the RN. Let q(i), (1 less than or equal to i less than or equal to p), be the number of stations that have items destined for S(i), q = q(1) + q(2) + (. . .) + q(p), and r(i) be the number of stations for which S(i) has items. When qi is known to station S(i), our routing protocol runs, with probability exceeding 1 - 1/f, (f > 1), in n + O(q + log f) time slots with each f station S(i) being awake for at most si + di + O(qi + ri + log f) time slots. Since qi : di, ri : si, and q ! n always hold, our randomized routing protocol is optimal. We also show that, when the value of di is known to S(i), our routing protocol runs, with probability exceeding I - -1, (f > 1), in 0 (n + log f) time slots f with no station being awake for more than O(s(i) + d(i) + log f) time slots.