Conative gamification model for psychological diagnostics and identification of risk zones of deviant behavior in educational institutions
Alexandr A. Smirnov,,Dmitry A. Smirnov,Elizaveta V. Solovyeva,,
Perspectives of science and education
Abstract:Introduction. In the modern world, new methods of teaching and upbringing in the educational process are being created, new technologies are associated with the creation of digital methods of modeling the environment: interactive tools. Simulation-based learning methods are more common, which is a new tool that can potentially replace and enhance the real experience in a fully interactive way. The central trend in the educational institution is the transition to new methods that are integrated into the digital environment. The purpose of the article is to create a model of gamification of psychological diagnostics and identification of risk zones of deviant behavior in educational institutions. Methods. Within the framework of the strategic academic leadership program «Priority 2030», we conducted studies of deviant behavior of schoolchildren (n=85) and students (n=125). The following methods are used: diagnostics of the level of empathic abilities of V. V. Boyko; methodology of T. Adorno, E. FrenkelBrunswick, D. Levinson, R. Sanford «Scale of fascism»; methodology for identifying the «bullying structure» of E. G. Norkina. Methods of mathematical statistics: factor analysis by the method of principal components, regression analysis. Research results. Six components that make up the conative model of identifying risk zones of deviant behavior are identified: «Self-destruction», «Tendency to violate norms», «Susceptibility to right-wing extremism», «Cognitive distortion», «External aggression», «Pathological personality». A regression equation has been compiled, which gives the probability of prediction, where 94% accuracy of prediction, thereby determining that the scale of fascism is determined by two variables: authoritarian aggression and authoritarian submission. Other empirical facts have also been established to explain the model based on cognitive empathy. The management of the Penetrating ability in empathy can change the structure of bullying, reduce the number of aggressor's assistants, because it is positively interrelated with the role of defenders of victims (r=0.19; p<0.05). Conclusion. The components that reflect the diagnostic potential of the gamification model for identifying risk zones in the educational institution of students are fixed. Based on the selected components, you can create a program using the regulatory framework.
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