The Hong-Ou-Mandel effect is really odd
Paul M. Alsing,Richard J. Birrittella,Christopher C. Gerry,Jihane Mimih,Peter L. Knight
Abstract:When quantum state amplitudes interfere, surprising non-classical features emerge which emphasis the roles of indistinguishability and discreteness in quantum mechanics. A famous example in quantum optics is the Hong Ou Mandel interference effect,a major ingredient in current quantum information processing using photonics. Traditionally the HOM features interference between amplitudes for two one-photon number states. Surprisingly, interference can be manifested when one amplitude represents that most classical of light field states, the coherent state, provided the partner state is non-classical (eg a single photon state or an odd photon number state). Imposing such nonclassical features on an otherwise classical state is the focus of this article. Recently, the HOM effect has been generalized to the multi-photon case, termed the extended HOM effect by the <a class="link-external link-http" href="http://authors.The" rel="external noopener nofollow">this http URL</a> implication of the extended HOM effect is that if an odd parity state, comprising only odd numbers of photons, enters one input port of a 50:50 beam splitter, then regardless of the state entering the other input port, be it pure or mixed, there will no output coincident counts. In this work, we explain the extended HOM as arising from a sequence of pairwise HOM-like complete destructive interferences occurring simultaneously in the multicomponent amplitude for the output coincidence counts. We first demonstrate this diagrammatically in order to build physical intuition, before developing a general analytical proof. We then examine the case of a single photon interacting with a coherent state (and idealized laser), and consider prospects for experimental detection by including the effect of imperfect detection efficiency. This work highlights the importance of the non-classicality of light, and in particular the interference effects stemming from the discreteness of photon quanta.
Quantum Physics,Optics