Government spending and fiscal rules in a simple endogenous growth model

S. Yilmaz
Abstract:This thesis attempts to analyze the implications of imposing a Golden Rule of public finance (where the government is allowed to borrow for infrastructure investment) and a standard Primary Surplus Rule on fiscal balances and growth in an endogenous growth model with productive public infrastructure and health spending. I assume a closed economy with no money creation so the government’s only source of revenue is taxes on output and interest income. Due to the high complexity and non-linearity of the model, numerical simulations are performed to analyze the transitional dynamics following various shocks. It is shown, under the calibrated parameter values that the Golden Rule performs better in terms of growth and speed of convergence than the primary surplus rule. Further, the numerical simulations also show that constraining the government to borrow for other forms of productive spending such as health through fiscal rules may entail significant growth and debt-reduction costs. OZET Bu tez Kamu finansmaninin altin kurali olarak da bilinen ve devletin yalnizca altyapi yatirimlari icin borclanmasina olanak saglayan “Altin Kural” ile standart faiz disi fazla hedefi mali kisitlamalarinin buyume ve kamu finansmani uzerindeki etkisini altyapi ve saglik harcamalarinin uretken oldugu endojen bir buyume modelinde incelemektedir. Modelde para olmamakla birlikte develetin tek gelir kaynagi uretim ve faiz geliri uzerinden aldigi vergi olarak varsayilmistir. Modelin lineer olmayan ve karmasik yapisi nedeniyle analitik cozumun yerine model t+50 icin simulasyonla cozulmustur. Secilen parametrelerle Altin Kural’in buyume ve dengeye yakinsama acisindan faiz disi fazla kuralindan daha iyi performans gosterdigi bulunmustur. Ayrica, sonuclar altyapi haricindeki uretken devlet harcamalarinda bu tarz kurallarla kisitlamaya gidilmesinin buyumeye ve kamu dengesine olumsuz etkiler yapabilecegini gostermistir. “Government Spending and Fiscal Rules in a Simple Model of Endogenous Growth” Sakir Devrim Yilmaz 103622006 İSTANBUL BİLGİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ IKTISAT YÜKSEK LİSANS PROGRAMI
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