Astronomy and the new SI
Prasenjit Saha
Abstract:In 2019 the International System of units (SI) conceptually re-invented itself. This was necessary because quantum-electronic devices had become so precise that the old SI could no longer calibrate them. The new system defines values of fundamental constants (including $c,h,k,e$ but not $G$) and allows units to be realized from the defined constants through any applicable equation of physics. In this new and more abstract SI, units can take on new guises --- for example, the kilogram is at present best implemented as a derived electrical unit. Relevant to astronomy, however, is that several formerly non-SI units, such as electron-volts, light-seconds, and what we may call "gravity seconds" $GM/c^3$, can now be interpreted not as themselves units, but as shorthand for volts and seconds being used with particular equations of physics. Moreover, the classical astronomical units have exact and rather convenient equivalents in the new SI: zero AB magnitude amounts to $\simeq5\times10^{10}$ photons $\rm m^{-2}\,s^{-1}$ per logarithmic frequency or wavelength interval, $\rm 1\,au\simeq 500$ light-seconds, $\rm 1\,pc\simeq 10^8$ light-seconds, while a solar mass $\simeq5$ gravity-seconds. As a result, the unit conversions ubiquitous in astrophysics can now be eliminated, without introducing other problems, as the old-style SI would have done. We review a variety of astrophysical processes illustrating the simplifications possible with the new-style SI, with special attention to gravitational dynamics, where care is needed to avoid propagating the uncertainty in $G$. Well-known systems (GPS satellites, GW170817, and the M87 black hole) are used as examples wherever possible.
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics