B. Allen,M. R. Moore,J. Hunter
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2133.1975.tb03156.x
IF: 11.113
British Journal of Dermatology
Abstract:The physical and chemical properties of lead ensure that, provided supplies are not exhausted, it will have a future in technology to match its 6000 year past. No doubt too the persisting proximity of man and metal will continue to give rise to problems of toxicity. Much work was done in the first half of this century to recognize and remove the more obvious sources of lead poisoning. Thus strict criteria are now laid down as to the maximum quantity of lead which may be contained in food, drinking water, paint for interior use and lead glazes; polyethylene and copper are used for plumbing, and even church roofs are more likely to be made of bitumenized felt than lead. In industry too, protective measures have resulted in florid lead poisoning becoming rare, although occasional accidents, such as those at Avonmouth, do occur (Windeyer, 1972). There is, however, no room for complacency especially in view of the steadily increasing usage of lead. In 1940 the total United States consumption was 782 thousand tons and in 1968 1318 thousand tons (New York Academy of Sciences, 1972). The bulk of the increase has been used in petrol additives (50 to 262 thousand tons) and storage batteries (220 to 513 thousand tons) with a drop in the amount used as white lead in paint (from 66 to 6 thousand tons). Attention has recently turned to the possibility of prolonged exposure to low doses of lead causing morbidity in the absence of the classical clinical features of poisoning. Every failed membership candidate knows that the Roman empire collapsed because the Romans drank acid wine from lead cups (Gilfillan, 1965); are we declining because we ingest some of the 100 thousand tons of lead puffed each year into the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere in the exhaust fumes of motor cars (Murozumi, Chow & Patterson, 1969) ? The problem of airborne lead has been subject to intensive study (National Academy of Sciences, 1972) and the whole topic of lead poisoning has recently been reviewed in the informative monograph by Waldron & Stofen (1974). Lead is absorbed mostly through the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Some is also absorbed through the skin but with inorganic compounds the amount is small. Sussman (1922) estimated that 100-200/(g of lead could penetrate i m^ of skin per day but with the alkyl compounds used in petrol to prevent premature ignition the amount is much greater. Shortly after the most widely used compound, tetraethyl lead (TEL), was first manufactured cases of toxicity began to occur; 139 cases being reported in 17 months, thirteen of them fatal. As a result manufacture was forbidden until attention to plant design produced greater safety (Hunter, 1969). Eldridge (1924) showed that significant absorption could occur through the skin; an observation which has been adequately confirmed (Kehoe, 1927; Kehoe & Thamann, 1931; Laug & Kunze, 1948). The hazard to those handling leaded petrol in a normal manner is probably small, (Kehoe, Thamann & Cholak, 1936) mainly because 95% of a dose applied to the open skin surface evaporates (Laug & Kunze, 1948). Cases of poisoning have been reported in inadequately protected workers cleaning storage tanks in which leaded fuel has been stored (Beattie, Moore & Goldberg, 1972). Laug & Kunze (1948) studied the absorption of lead from various compounds painted on the shaved skin of rats and used the lead content of the kidneys as an index of absorption. Following TEL application there was a hundredfold increase and after lead acetate a threefold increase. Scarifying the skin enhanced absorption. Martindale (1967) lists twenty two preparations containing lead, twenty for application to the skin surface and one, blended with cow's milk, for infusion into the rectum. Many are used for their