Regularity for Inhomogeneous Dirichlet Problems of Some Schrödinger Equations on Domains
Dachun Yang,Sibei Yang
Abstract:Let n≥ 3, Ω be a bounded, simply connected and semiconvex domain in ℝ^n and L_Ω:=-Δ +V a Schrödinger operator on L^2 (Ω ) with the Dirichlet boundary condition, where Δ denotes the Laplace operator and the potential 0≤ V belongs to the reverse Hölder class RH_q_0(ℝ^n) for some q_0∈ (max{n/2,2},∞ ] . Assume that the growth function φ : ℝ^n× [0,∞ ) → [0,∞ ) satisfies that φ (x,· ) is an Orlicz function and φ (· ,t)∈𝔸_∞(ℝ^n) (the class of uniformly Muckenhoupt weights). Let H_φ , L_ℝ^n, r(Ω ) be the Musielak–Orlicz–Hardy space whose elements are restrictions of elements of the Musielak–Orlicz–Hardy space, associated with L_ℝ^n:=-Δ +V on ℝ^n , to Ω . In this article, the authors show that the operators VL^-1_Ω and ∇ ^2L^-1_Ω are bounded from L^1(Ω ) to weak- L^1(Ω ) , from L^p(Ω ) to itself, with p∈ (1,2] , and also from H_φ , L_ℝ^n, r(Ω ) to the Musielak–Orlicz space L^φ (Ω ) or to H_φ , L_ℝ^n, r(Ω ) itself. As applications, the boundedness of ∇ ^2𝔾_D on L^p(Ω ) , with p∈ (1,2] , and from H_φ , L_ℝ^n, r(Ω ) to L^φ (Ω ) or to H_φ , L_ℝ^n, r(Ω ) itself is obtained, where 𝔾_D denotes the Dirichlet Green operator associated with L_Ω . All these results are new even for the Hardy space H^1_L_ℝ^n, r(Ω ) , which is just H_φ , L_ℝ^n, r(Ω ) with φ (x,t):=t for all x∈ℝ^n and t∈ [0,∞ ) .