Forbidden Pairs for Connected Even Factors in Supereulerian Graphs
Panpan Wang,Liming Xiong
Abstract:graph is called supereulerian if it has a spanning eulerian subgraph. A connected even [2, 2s]-factor of a graph G is a connected factor with all vertices of even degree i(i∈{2,4,… , 2s}) , where s≥ 1 is an integer. Let W_s,t be the graph obtained from vertex-disjoint sK_2 and (t+1)K_1 by adding all possible edges between exactly one K_1 and the remaining graphs sK_2 and tK_1 . When s=t=1 , W_1,1 is Z_1 . In this paper, we show that for any positive integer k≤ 4 and 2≤ i≤ k+1 , every connected supereulerian ℋ -free graph of order at least 6 contains a connected even [2, 2 k ]-factor if and only if ℋ satisfies the following condition. ℋ≼{{K_1,2k+2,Z_1},{K_1,k+i,W_k+3-i,0},{K_1,k+i,W_k+2-i,i-1}}. And when k=5,6 , we give some relevant results. We also show that for positive integers k , 2≤ i≤ k+1 and ℋ≼{{K_1,2k+2,Z_1},{K_1,k+i,W_k+3-i,0}} , if G is supereulerian ℋ -free graph of order at least 6, then G contains a connected even [2, 2 k ]-factor. Our results extend the result of Yang et al. (Discrete Appl Math 288:192–200, 2021) and Duan et al. (Ars Comb 115:385–389, 2014).