V 2 3 F Eb 2 00 6 MSSM Anatomy of the Polarization Puzzle in B → Φk ∗ Decays

Chao-shang Huang,P. Ko,Xiao-Hong Wu,Ya-dong Yang
Abstract:We analyze the B → φK polarization puzzle in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) including the neutral Higgs boson (NHB) contributions. To calculate the non-factorizable contributions to hadronic matrix elements of operators, we have used the QCD factorization framework to the αs order. It is shown that the recent experimental results of the polarization fractions in B → φK decays, which are difficult to be explained in SM, could be explained in MSSM if there are flavor non-diagonal squark mass matrix elements of 2nd and 3rd generations, which also satisfy all relevant constraints from known experiments (B → Xsγ,Bs → μ μ, B → Xsμ μ, B → Xsg,∆Ms, etc.). We have shown in details that the experimental results can be accommodated with the flavor non-diagonal mass insertion of chirality RL, RL+LR, RR, or LL+ RR when the NHB contributions as well as O(αs) corrections of hadronic matrix elements of operators are included. However the branching ratios for the decay are smaller than the experimental measurements.
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