Patterns Of Local Extension And Regional Spread In Early Stage Nasal Nk/T-Cell Lymphoma Based On Magnetic Resonance Imaging
R. Wu,Y. Li,Q. Liu,W. Wang,J. Jin,X. Zhang,N. Lu,S. Qi,X. Liu,Z. Yu
Abstract:Radiation therapy is an essential part of treatment for early stage nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma (N-NKTCL). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides superior accuracy in evaluation of the local tumor extension and lymph nodal spread than computerized tomography (CT), thereby improving irradiation target volumes delineation. The aim of this study was to determine the patterns of local tumor extension and regional spread in early stage N-NKTCL based on MRI. Between October 2009 and September 2011, 46 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed and untreated stage I and II N-NKTCL were selected for the present study. All patients who underwent MRI scan were reviewed retrospectively. The incidence of primary tumor extended into adjacent structures or organs was 59% (27 cases). According to the incidence rates of local tumor extension, the involved structures or organs surrounding nasal cavity were classified into three subgroups: high-risk (>20%): nasopharynx (35%), ipsilateral maxillary sinus (24%), and ethmoid sinus (22%); intermediate risk (5-20%): soft plate (15%), hard plate (9%), skin (9%), and parapharyngeal space (7%); and low-risk (<5%): orbit (4%), oropharynx (4%), contralateral maxillary sinus, skull base (2%) and gingiva (2%). When high-risk structures were not involved, the adjacent structures at intermediate risk had low rates of tumor invasion (<7%). Involvement of cervical lymph nodes was observed in 12 (26%) patients. Regional lymph nodal spread in a contiguous fashion in most patients with lymph node involvement. Retropharyngeal nodes (RLN) were the most frequently involved region (22%), followed by level II nodes (9%). Only one patient had skip lymph node involvement in lower level. In patients with early stage N-NKTL, local extension was common and most frequent involvement of adjacent structures or organs included the nasopharynx, ipsilateral maxillary sinus and ethmoid sinus. Regional lymph nodal spread in a contiguous fashion. These finding support personalized irradiation target volumes delineation based on MRI.