An Efficient Permissioned Blockchain with Provable Reputation Mechanism
Hongyin Chen,Zhaohua Chen,Yukun Cheng,Xiaotie Deng,Wenhan Huang,Jichen Li,Hongyi Ling,Mengqian Zhang
Abstract:The design of permissioned blockchains places an access control requirementfor members to read, access, and write information over the blockchains. Inthis paper, we study a hierarchical scenario to include three types ofparticipants: providers, collectors, and governors. To be specific, providersforward transactions, collected from terminals, to collectors; collectorsupload received transactions to governors after verifying and labeling them;and governors validate a part of received labeled transactions, pack valid onesinto a block, and append a new block on the ledger. Collectors in thehierarchical model play a crucial role in the design: they have connectionswith both providers and governors, and are responsible for collecting,verifying, and uploading transactions. However, collectors are rational andsome of them may behave maliciously (not necessarily for their own benefits).In this paper, we introduce a reputation protocol as a measure of thereliability of collectors in the permissioned blockchain environment. Itsobjective is to encourage collectors to behave truthfully and, in addition, toreduce the verification cost. The verification cost on provider p is definedas the total number of invalid transactions provided by p and checked bygovernors. Through theoretical analysis, our protocol with the reputationmechanism has a significant improvement in efficiency. Specifically, theverification loss that governors suffer is proved to be asymptoticallyO(√(T_total)) (T_total, representing the number of transactionsverified by governors and provided by p), as long as there exists at leastone collector who behaves well. At last, two typical cases where our model canbe well applied are also demonstrated.