Joint Mobile Edge Caching and Pricing: A Mean-Field Game Approach

Yin Xu,Xichong Zhang,Mingjun Xiao,Jie Wu,An Liu,Sheng Zhang
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the competitive content placement problem in Mobile Edge Caching (MEC) systems, where Edge Data Providers (EDPs) cache appropriate contents and trade them with requesters at a suitable price. Most of the existing works ignore the complicated strategic and economic interplay between content caching, pricing, and content sharing. Therefore, we propose a joint Mean-Field Game framework for mobile edge Caching and Pricing (MFG-CP) in large-scale dynamic MEC systems, which can facilitate distributed optimal decision-making based on the mean-field game theory. Specifi-cally, we first formulate the competitive content placement issue among EDPs as a non-cooperative stochastic differential game. To significantly reduce the communication and computation complexity, we further devise a mean-field model to approximate the collective impact of all EDPs on caching, trading, and sharing, by which each EDP can quickly estimate some unknown information without considerable interactions. Then, we develop a distributed best response scheme based on iterative learning, enabling each EDP to solely customize its optimal caching strategy and pricing policy. Besides, we theoretically prove the existence of a unique MFG equilibrium. Finally, trace-driven simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of MFG-CP compared with some baselines.
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