Study on Three Dimensional Dual Peg-in-Hole in Robot Automatic Assembly
Fei Yanqiong,Wan Jianfeng,Zhao Xifang
Abstract:Industrial Robotics -Programming, Simulation and Applications (McCarragher, 1995).He applied his method to a two dimensional dual peg-in-hole insertion successfully.Sturges analyzed two dimensional dual peg-in-hole insertion problems, enumerated possible contact states, and derived geometric conditions and forcemoment equations for static-equilibrium states of two dimensional dual peg insertions (Sathirakul and Sturges, 1998).The jamming diagrams of a two dimensional dual peg-inhole were obtained.At present, research activities in the area are concentrated on:(1) Three dimensional multiple peg-in-hole analyses (2) Modeling of contact (3) Design of assembly devices Multiple peg-in-hole insertions represent a class of practical and complicated tasks in the field of robotic automatic assembly.Because of the difficulty and complexity in analyzing three dimensional multiple peg-in-hole insertions, most of the analyses of this class of assembly tasks to date were done by simplifying the problems into two dimensions (Arai, 1997, McCarragher, 1995and Sathirakul, 1998).The analyses of the dual peg-in-hole in three dimensions are few (Rossitza, 1998).Rossitza considered the geometric model and quasistatic force model of a three dimensional dual peg-in-hole and presented a method for 3D simulation of the dual peg insertion.The assembly process, considered as a sequence of discrete contact events, is modeled as a transition from one state to another.Sturges' work on the three dimensional analysis of multiple-peg insertion gave insight into the behavior of the pegs during the chamfer-crossing phase of the problem (Sturges, 1996).The net forces and torque during chamfer-crossing of a triple-peg insertion were obtained.The force/torque prediction gave a better insight into the physics of multiple peg-in-hole insertion with the aid of compliance mechanisms (SRCC) (Sturges, 1996).Fei's geometric analysis of a triple peg-in-hole mechanism gives the base of three dimensional assembly problems (Fei, 2003).The geometric features of three-dimensional assembly objects are represented by two elements.The geometric conditions for each contact state are derived with the transformation matrix (Fei, 2003).However, for three dimensional multiple peg-in-hole insertion tasks, there are not yet perfect assembly theory and experimental analyses at present.After analyzing multiple pegin-hole in three dimensions, the whole assembly process and its complexity and difficulty can be known in detail.Thus, some simple and special machines can be designed to finish this type of tasks.In the paper, a complete contact and jamming analysis of dual peg-in-hole insertion is described in three dimensions.By understanding the physics of three dimensional assembly processes, one can plan fine motion strategies and guarantee successful operations.In this article, three dimensional dual peg-in-hole insertion problems are analyzed.Firstly, all possible contact states are enumerated in three dimensions.Secondly, contact forces can be described by the screw theory.The screw theory gives a very compact and efficient formulation.Applying the static equilibrium equations, the conditions on applied forces and moments for maintaining each contact state are formulated.Thirdly, jamming diagrams are obtained.33 kinds of possible jamming diagrams are analyzed.The force/moment conditions to guarantee successful insertion are obtained from all possible jamming diagrams.Then, some contact states are given, which finish a dual peg-in-hole process.Their geometric conditions are derived to verify the analyses.www.intechopen.