Correction to Novel Ligustrazine-Based Analogs of Piperlongumine Potently Suppress Proliferation and Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer Cells in Vitro and in Vivo.

Yu Zhang,Dongyuan Zhao,Cheng Yan,Yuanchao Ji,Jin Liu,Jiang Xu,Yuanming Lai,Jide Tian,Yihua Zhang,Zhangjian Huang
IF: 8.039
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Abstract:ADVERTISEMENT RETURN TO ISSUEPREVAddition/CorrectionNEXTORIGINAL ARTICLEThis notice is a correctionCorrection to Novel Ligustrazine-Based Analogs of Piperlongumine Potently Suppress Proliferation and Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer Cells in Vitro and in VivoYu ZouYu ZouMore by Yu Zou, Di ZhaoDi ZhaoMore by Di Zhao, Chang YanChang YanMore by Chang Yan, Yanpeng JiYanpeng JiMore by Yanpeng Ji, Jin LiuJin LiuMore by Jin Liu, Jinyi XuJinyi XuMore by Jinyi Xu, Yisheng LaiYisheng LaiMore by Yisheng Lai, Jide TianJide TianMore by Jide Tian, Yihua Zhang*Yihua ZhangMore by Yihua Zhang, and Zhangjian Huang*Zhangjian HuangMore by Zhangjian Huang this: J. Med. Chem. 2020, 63, 2, 880–881Publication Date (Web):January 3, 2020Publication History Published online3 January 2020Published inissue 23 January 2020 © 2020 American Chemical SocietyRIGHTS & PERMISSIONSArticle Views1209Altmetric-Citations-LEARN ABOUT THESE METRICSArticle Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days.Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily. Find more information about Crossref citation counts.The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon will load a page at with additional details about the score and the social media presence for the given article. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Share Add toView InAdd Full Text with ReferenceAdd Description ExportRISCitationCitation and abstractCitation and referencesMore Options Share onFacebookTwitterWechatLinked InReddit PDF (4 MB) Get e-Alerts Get e-Alerts
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