Cranioplasty in the deployed environment: experience for host-country nationals
Paul N Porensky,Patrick R Maloney,Jeeho D Kim,Justin A Dye,Peter C Liacouras
Abstract:Objective: Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is the definitive neurosurgical treatment for managing refractory malignant cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension due to combat-related severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). To date, the long-term outcomes and sequelae of this procedure on host-country national (HCN) populations during Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq, 2003-2011), Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan, 2001-2014), and Operation Freedom's Sentinel (Afghanistan, 2015-2021) have not been described, specifically the process and results of delayed custom synthetic cranioplasty. The Joint Trauma System's Clinical Practice Guidelines (JTS-CPG) for severe head injury counsels surgeons to discard the cranial osseous explant when treating coalition service members. Ongoing political and healthcare system instabilities often preclude opportunities for delayed cranioplasty by host-country assets. Various surgical options (such as hinge craniectomy) are inadequate in the setting of complicated cranial comminution from blast or missile injuries, severe cerebral edema, grossly contaminated wounds, complex polytrauma, and tissue devitalization. Delayed cranioplasty with a custom synthetic implant is a viable but logistically challenging alternative. In this retrospective review, the authors present the first patient series describing delayed custom synthetic cranioplasty in an HCN population performed during active military conflict. Methods: Patients were identified through the Joint Trauma System/Theater Medical Data Store, and subgroup analyses were performed to include mechanisms of injury, surgical complications, and clinical outcomes. Results: Twenty-five patients underwent DC between 2012 and 2020 to treat penetrating, blast, and high-energy closed head injuries per JTS-CPG criteria. The average time from injury to surgery was 1.4 days, although 6 patients received delayed care (3-6 days) due to protracted evacuation from local hospitals. Delayed care correlated with an increased rate of intracranial abscess and empyema. The average time to cranioplasty was 134 days due to a lack of robust mechanisms for patient follow-up, tracking, and access to NATO hospitals. HCN patients who recovered from DC demonstrated overall benefit from custom synthetic cranioplasty, although formal statistical analysis was impeded by a lack of long-term follow-up. Conclusions: This review demonstrates that cranioplasty with a custom synthetic implant is a safe and feasible treatment for vulnerable HCN patients who survive their index DC surgery. This unique paradigm of care highlights the capabilities of deployed neurosurgical healthcare teams working in partnership with the prosthetics laboratory at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.