Additional File 3 of High-resolution Transcriptomics Informs Glial Pathology in Human Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Balagopal Pai,Jessica Tomé-García,Wan Sze Cheng,German Nudelman,Kristin G. Beaumont,Saadi Ghatan,Fedor Panov,Elodia Caballero,Kwadwo Sarpong,Lara Marcuse,Ji Yeoun Yoo,Yan Jiang,Anne Schaefer,Schahram Akbarian,Robert Sebra,Dalila Pinto,Elena Zaslavsky,Nadejda M. Tsankova
Abstract:Additional file 3: Table S2. Differential expression, TLE vs. TL, nuclear RNA-seq datasets for astrocyte, OPC, and neuronal FANS populations, with annotation of dysregulated genes unique to each cell type.