Air-sea CO2 Flux in the East China Sea Estimated by Empirical Formula Based on the Parameters of Seawater Environment and Meteorology
LI Yi,HE Hai-lun,CHEN Da-ke
Journal of Marine Sciences
Abstract:Using the empirical formula of TSUNOGAI et al,a preliminary study was made on the climatological distribution and seasonal variation of the sea surface pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux in the East China Sea,and the influence of sea surface temperature,salinity,phosphate concentration and wind speed.The formula was based on environmental parameters(sea surface temperature,salinity and phosphate concentration).The data used were from WOA09(monthly mean climatological sea surface temperature,salinity and phosphate concentration),Globalview(atmospheric pCO2) and NCEP(monthly mean wind speed).The spatial distribution of the calculated pCO2 maintains a gradually increasing trend from the northwest to the southeast while its magnitude varies significantly with seasons,lower in spring and winter,higher in summer and autumn.Space-time pattern of the CO2 flux varies obviously,the continental shelf region as a whole is the convergence of CO2 from atmosphere,while the Kuroshio region is the source.The convergence intensity gradually weakens from the northwest to the southeast and that of source strengthens from the northeast to the southwest.The East China Sea uptake CO2 from atmosphere in spring and winter while release CO2 to atmosphere in summer and autumn. Analysis of seasonal change of the sea surface pCO2 in the East China Sea shows that SST is its main controlling factor.They change in the same phase,reache the maximum in summer and minimum in winter.In the Kuroshio area,salinity and phosphate concentration remains stable all the year round,their seasonal variations could be neglected and the variation of pCO2 is completely controlled by temperature.In the continental shelf area,the changes of salinity and phosphate concentration are contrary to that of temperature,but the magnitude is relatively low.The seasonal change of pCO2 is still controlled by SST in most of the months except June,July and December,when the role of salinity and phosphate concentration tops that of SST. For the East China Sea as a whole,the CO2 flux changes with the wind speed from April to October,indicating that the wind speed is the leading role in the air-sea CO2 exchange.During this period,the wind speed changes significantly due to monsoon conversion,which has great impacts on the CO2 flux.From November to March,the CO2 flux changes with sea surface pCO2,when the wind speed remains high all along and pCO2 varies significantly.In the continental shelf area,the surface pCO2 remains lower than the atmosphere pressure all along,and the CO2 flux is smaller than zero,its magnitude is closely related to the wind speed,and obviously high in winter except for a relatively high value in July associated with the strengthening of summer monsoon.The CO2 flux in the Kuroshio area is year-round positive and has a maximum in June-July and October-November respectively.The extreme value in June-July is closely related to summer monsoon enhancement,while that in October-November to the start of the winter monsoon and wind speed enhancement.It should be noted that though the wind speed is strong in winter,the CO2 flux is not great because of comparatively low surface pCO2.The variation of CO2 flux in Kuroshio area is controlled by both wind speed and surface pCO2.