Distorsi Dalam Film Adaptasi “Snow White” Versi Disney Dan Nondisney Terhadap Karya Grimm Bersaudara (the Distortion in Disney's and Non-disney's Film Adaptation on the Grimm Brothers' “Snow White” )

Rina Saraswati
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26610/METASASTRA.2014.V7I1.85-96
Abstract:Dongeng karya Grimm bersaudara telah banyak diadaptasi ke dalam media film, salah satunya adalah “Snow White”. Penelitian ini membahas distorsi yang muncul dalam dua film adaptasi “Snow White”, yaitu “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (1937) produksi Disney dan “Snow White and the Huntsman” (2012) produksi Universal Pictures. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif berupa analisis deskriptif, ditemukan bahwa setiap adaptasi tersebut melakukan perombakan besar terhadap isi cerita yang menyebabkan perbedaan dengan sumber aslinya, yakni karya Grimm bersaudara. Film “Snow White” yang diproduksi  oleh Disney mengalami proses adaptasi cerita, yakni dengan mengubah cerita yang pantas dan mudah diterima anak-anak. Adapun film produksi Universal Pictures menghasilkan suatu karya adaptasi yang berbeda, yaitu dengan adanya pengurangan atau penambahan dari cerita aslinya. Perubahan cerita tersebut ditujukan untuk menarik minat penonton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa salah satu alasan perubahan yang dilakukan pada dua film adapatasi tersebut disebabkan oleh target penonton yang berbeda. Abstract: Grimm Brothers’ tales have been adapted into films. One of them is the story of Snow White. This study is to examine the distortion appearing in two Snow White film adaptations, namely: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (1937) by Disney as well as  “Snow White and the Hunts- man” (2012) by Universal Pictures. By applying qualitative method, it is found that each film adaptation makes a lot of changes in its plot from its original version in the Grimm Brothers’. “Snow White” produced by Disney was changed into children story that was simpler and easier to understand. The one produced by Universal Picture, on the other hand, was made into different story by reducing  or adding its original story. The change of the story is aimed at gaining more viewers. The result of the research reveals that one of changes in the two film adaptations is due to their different viewers target.
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