Measurement of the Branching Fraction of the Decay B- → D0ρ(770)- at Belle II

I. Adachi,L. Aggarwal,H. Aihara,N. Akopov,A. Aloisio,N. Anh Ky,D. M. Asner,H. Atmacan,V. Aushev,M. Aversano,R. Ayad,V. Babu,H. Bae,S. Bahinipati,P. Bambade,Sw Banerjee,S. Bansal,M. Barrett,J. Baudot,A. Baur,A. Beaubien,F. Becherer,J. Becker,J. V. Bennett,V. Bertacchi,M. Bertemes,E. Bertholet,M. Bessner,S. Bettarini,F. Bianchi,T. Bilka,D. Biswas,A. Bobrov,D. Bodrov,A. Bolz,A. Bondar,A. Boschetti,A. Bozek,M. Bracko,P. Branchini,R. A. Briere,T. E. Browder,A. Budano,S. Bussino,M. Campajola,L. Cao,G. Casarosa,C. Cecchi,J. Cerasoli,M-C Chang,P. Cheema,B. G. Cheon,K. Chilikin,K. Chirapatpimol,H-E Cho,K. Cho,S-J Cho,S-K Choi,S. Choudhury,L. Corona,J. X. Cui,F. Dattola,E. De La Cruz-Burelo,S. A. De La Motte,G. de Marino,G. De Nardo,M. De Nuccio,G. De Pietro,R. de Sangro,M. Destefanis,S. Dey,R. Dhamija,A. Di Canto,F. Di Capua,J. Dingfelder,Z. Dolezal,I. Dominguez Jimenez,T. V. Dong,M. Dorigo,D. Dorner,K. Dort,D. Dossett,S. Dreyer,S. Dubey,K. Dugic,G. Dujany,P. Ecker,M. Eliachevitch,P. Feichtinger,T. Ferber,T. Fillinger,C. Finck,G. Finocchiaro,A. Fodor,F. Forti,A. Frey,B. G. Fulsom,A. Gabrielli,E. Ganiev,M. Garcia-Hernandez,R. Garg,G. Gaudino,V. Gaur,A. Gaz,A. Gellrich,G. Ghevondyan,D. Ghosh,H. Ghumaryan,G. Giakoustidis,R. Giordano,A. Giri,A. Glazov,B. Gobbo,R. Godang,O. Gogota,P. Goldenzweig,W. Gradl,S. Granderath,E. Graziani,D. Greenwald,Z. Gruberova,T. Gu,K. Gudkova,S. Halder,Y. Han,T. Hara,K. Hayasaka,H. Hayashii,S. Hazra,C. Hearty,M. T. Hedges,A. Heidelbach,I. Heredia de la Cruz,M. Hernandez Villanueva,T. Higuchi,M. Hoek,M. Hohmann,P. Horak,C-L Hsu,T. Humair,T. Iijima,K. Inami,N. Ipsita,A. Ishikawa,R. Itoh,M. Iwasaki,W. W. Jacobs,D. E. Jaffe,E-J Jang,S. Jia,Y. Jin,H. Junkerkalefeld,D. Kalita,A. B. Kaliyar,J. Kandra,S. Kang,G. Karyan,T. Kawasaki,F. Keil,C. Kiesling,C-H Kim,D. Y. Kim,K-H Kim,Y-K Kim,H. Kindo,K. Kinoshita,P. Kodys,T. Koga,S. Kohani,K. Kojima,T. Konno,A. Korobov,S. Korpar,E. Kovalenko,R. Kowalewski,T. M. G. Kraetzschmar,P. Krizan,P. Krokovny,T. Kuhr,Y. Kulii,J. Kumar,M. Kumar,R. Kumar,K. Kumara,T. Kunigo,A. Kuzmin,Y-J Kwon,S. Lacaprara,K. Lalwani,T. Lam,L. Lanceri,J. S. Lange,M. Laurenza,R. Leboucher,F. R. Le Diberder,M. J. Lee,P. Leo,C. Lemettais,D. Levit,P. M. Lewis,L. K. Li,S. X. Li,Y. Li,Y. B. Li,J. Libby,Z. Liptak,M. H. Liu,Q. Y. Liu,Z. Q. Liu,D. Liventsev,S. Longo,T. Lueck,C. Lyu,Y. Ma,M. Maggiora,R. Maiti,S. Maity,G. Mancinelli,R. Manfredi,E. Manoni,M. Mantovano,D. Marcantonio,S. Marcello,C. Marinas,C. Martellini,A. Martens,T. Martinov,L. Massaccesi,M. Masuda,K. Matsuoka,D. Matvienko,S. K. Maurya,F. Mawas,J. A. McKenna,R. Mehta,F. Meier,M. Merola,C. Miller,M. Mirra,S. Mitra,G. B. Mohanty,S. Mondal,S. Moneta,H-G Moser,M. Mrvar,R. Mussa,I. Nakamura,M. Nakao,Y. Nakazawa,A. Narimani Charan,M. Naruki,D. Narwal,Z. Natkaniec,A. Natochii,L. Nayak,M. Nayak,G. Nazaryan,M. Neu,M. Niiyama,S. Nishida,A. Novosel,S. Ogawa,Y. Onishchuk,H. Ono,G. Pakhlova,S. Pardi,K. Parham,H. Park,S-H Park,B. Paschen,A. Passeri,S. Patra,T. K. Pedlar,R. Peschke,R. Pestotnik,M. Piccolo,L. E. Piilonen,P. L. M. Podesta-Lerma,T. Podobnik,S. Pokharel,C. Praz,S. Prell,E. Prencipe,M. T. Prim,I. Prudiiev,H. Purwar,G. Raeuber,S. Raiz,N. Rauls,M. Reif,S. Reiter,I. Ripp-Baudot,G. Rizzo,M. Roehrken,J. M. Roney,A. Rostomyan,N. Rout,D. A. Sanders,S. Sandilya,L. Santelj,Y. Sato,V. Savinov,B. Scavino,M. Schnepf,C. Schwanda,Y. Seino,A. Selce,K. Senyo,J. Serrano,M. E. Sevior,C. Sfienti,W. Shan,C. P. Shen,X. D. Shi,T. Shillington,J-G Shiu,D. Shtol,B. Shwartz,A. Sibidanov,F. Simon,J. B. Singh,J. Skorupa,R. J. Sobie,M. Sobotzik,A. Soffer,A. Sokolov,E. Solovieva,S. Spataro,B. Spruck,M. Staric,P. Stavroulakis,S. Stefkova,R. Stroili,M. Sumihama,K. Sumisawa,W. Sutcliffe,N. Suwonjandee,H. Svidras,M. Takahashi,M. Takizawa,U. Tamponi,K. Tanida,F. Tenchini,A. Thaller,O. Tittel,R. Tiwary,D. Tonelli,E. Torassa,K. Trabelsi,I. Tsaklidis,I. Ueda,K. Unger,Y. Unno,K. Uno,S. Uno,S. E. Vahsen,R. van Tonder,K. E. Varvell,M. Veronesi,A. Vinokurova,V. S. Vismaya,L. Vitale,V. Vobbilisetti,R. Volpe,M. Wakai,S. Wallner,E. Wang,M-Z Wang,Z. Wang,A. Warburton,M. Watanabe,S. Watanuki,O. Werbycka,C. Wessel,X. P. Xu,B. D. Yabsley,S. Yamada,W. Yan,S. B. Yang,J. H. Yin,K. Yoshihara,C. Z. Yuan,Y. Yusa,L. Zani,F. Zeng,B. Zhang,Y. Zhang,V. Zhilich,Q. D. Zhou,X. Y. Zhou,V. I. Zhukova,R. Zlebcik
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:We measure the branching fraction of the decay B−→D0ρ(770)− using data collected with the Belle II detector. The data contain 387 million BB¯ pairs produced in e+e− collisions at the ϒ(4S) resonance. We reconstruct 8360±180 decays from an analysis of the distributions of the B− energy and the ρ(770)− helicity angle. We determine the branching fraction to be (0.939±0.021(stat)±0.050(syst))%, in agreement with previous results. Our measurement improves the relative precision of the world average by more than a factor of two. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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