Synthesis of Poly(methyl Methacrylate) Dye

Lei Wang,Yin He,Bing Yang,Xiaozhen Tang
Abstract:A po lymer dye has been synt hesized by copo lymerizat ion of a dy e-f unct ionalized pr epolym er based on po lyurethane w it h met hy lmet hacrylat e. T he composit ion of t he copolymer has been analy zed by UV spectr omet ry.T he eff ect s o f st ock com position, react io n t ime and amount of init iat or on t he co mposit ion o f copolym ers hav e been st udied.Resul ts show t hat the dye-funct ional ized m onomer is m ore r eactive than m et hylm et hacryl at e in the course of copo lymerizat ion.
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