R. M. Khavula
Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Психологія
Abstract:The article provides a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of "boredom", which manifests itself in a state of severe mental discomfort, which develops due to the lack of external and internal activity, the weakness of self-regulatory mechanisms. It is noted that under certain conditions in the social environment, boredom can lead to various manifestations of delinquent behavior. The conclusions of theoretical works of scientists on the category of "boredom" in foreign and domestic psychology are considered. The main approaches in the study of the phenomenon of boredom are analyzed, which emphasize that boredom provokes aggression, risky behavior, attraction to extreme sports and such addictive behaviors as alcohol and drug abuse. It is established that for the first time we paid attention to the concept of boredom in the psychoanalytic direction in which boredom is considered as a state of instinctive tension, in which there is no instinctive goal. In the works of the classics of human psychology, boredom is seen as an innate characteristic that is inherent in all people and determines human behavior and development, and the tendency to boredom is inherent in young people who seek substitutes for true values. The causes of boredom are considered, namely the predictability and monotony of events, the lack of interesting incentives in the environment, social isolation, loneliness, sensory deprivation and monotony. It was found that the behavioral signs of boredom in educational activities are a decrease in cognitive interest, superficial attention, increased fatigue, indiscipline; weak motivational involvement and low initiative in the classroom. Scientific ideas about psychological factors of boredom are expanded, the model of which includes ideas about boredom, value-semantic sphere, personal characteristics, external and internal conditions.