Intrinsic multiferroic semiconductors with magnetoelastic coupling: two-dimensional MoTe<i<X</i< (<i<X</i< = F, Cl, Br, I) monolayers
Jin-Wei Gao,Lu Chen,Xu-Hong Li,Jun-Qin Shi,Teng-Fei Cao,Xiao-Li Fan,Center of Advanced Lubrication and Seal Materials, School of Material Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an 710072, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Gao Jin-Wei, Chen Lu, Li Xu-Hong, Shi Jun-Qin, Cao Teng-Fei, Fan Xiao-Li Two-dimensional materials with both ferromagnetism and ferroelasticity present new possibilities for developing spintronics and multifunctional devices. These materials provide a novel method for controlling the direction of the magnetization axis by switching the ferroelastic state, achieving efficient and low-power operation of magnetic devices. Such properties make them a promising candidate for the next generation of non-volatile memory, sensors, and logic devices. By performing the first-principles calculations, the ferromagnetism, ferroelasticity, and magnetoelastic coupling in MoTe<i<x< (<i<x<="" 0.180="" 0.200="" 0.209="" 0.226="" 111.45="" 144.75="" 194.55="" 38.12%.="" 43.06%,="" 46.32%,="" 54.58%,="" 92.02="" ability="" and="" anisotropy="" are="" at="" atom,="" axes="" axis="" barriers="" between="" both="" br,="" calculations="" can="" cl,="" control="" controllable="" corresponding="" coupling="" curie="" development="" devices.<="" disturbances="" each="" easy="" ev="" exhibit="" ferroelastic="" ferroelasticity.="" ferromagnetism="" for="" foundation="" four="" highly="" holding="" i)="" i<="" in-plane="" indicate="" intrinsic="" investigated.="" k,="" laying="" long-range="" magnetic="" magnetization="" magnetoelastic="" maintain="" monolayers="" mote<i<x Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(19): 197501. Published 2024-10-05</i<x<>
physics, multidisciplinary