Studes of Peach Gum Poysaccharde on Gut Mcrobota in Vitro Fermentaton by Human Feces St Di F P H G P H Id G T I Bi T I It F T Ti H F

Bing Xu,Ping Sun,Jun Lu,Yi Wang,Xianrui Lin,Chenfei Chen,Jianxi Zhu,Huijuan Jia,Xinwei Wang,Jiansheng Shen,Chuang Yu,Tao Feng
Journal of Future Foods
Abstract:Peach gum polysaccharides have multiple biological functions, such as anti-oxidation, blood lipids reduction, Peach gum polysachardes ha multple biological funcions, such as nti-oxidation, blood lipids redction, and immune protection. However, their impact on the gut microbiota was still unclear. Here, high throughput sequencing was used to study the regulatory effects of peach gum polysaccharide on gut microbioa using an and immune protection. However their impact on the gut microbiota was still unclear. Here, high throughput sequencing was used t study the regulaory effects of pach gum polysaccharide on gut microbota using an in vitro fermentation model of human gut microbiota. The results showed that gut microbiota species increased in vitrofermentaion model of human gut micr biota. The results howed that gut microbiota species increased significantly and alpha-diversity index (Sobs, Ace, Chao1, Shannon) decreased significantly after polysaccharide significantly nd alpha-diversity index (Sobs, Ace Chao1, Shanno ) decreased signi canly after polysaccharde fermentation compared with control group (distilled water). At phylum level, the relative abundance of Fiicutes andActinomyces increased (61.76%vs. 56.64%, 28.24%vs. 23.11%). In contrast, relative fermentation compared with control gr up (disti led water). At phylum l ve the laive abundance of Firmicutsand Actinomycesincreased (61.76%vs. 56.6 %, 28.2 %vs. 23 11%). In contrast, relativ abundance of Bacteroides decreased significantly (8.10% vs. 19.21%). At genus level, the relative abundance abundance of Ba terodsdecreased significantly (8.10%vs. 19.21%). At genus level, the elative ab ndance of Bifidobacteria, Colinella andParazobacteria increased significantly (21.43% vs. 19.08%, 6.32% vs. 3.73%, 6.37%vs. 0.00%), whl the relative abundance ofBacteroides andPrevotella decreased significantly (3.83 of Bifidobacteria Coline lla and Parazobacteria increased significantly (21.43% vs. 19.08%, 6.32% vs 3.73%, vs. 5.52%, 3.49vs. 12.15%). Precisely, peah gum polysacchrie can ffectively regulate the structure of 6.37% vs. 0.00%) w i e the reative abundance of Bacteroides and Prevotella decreased signficantly (3.83% vs. 5 52%, 3.49%vs. 12.15%). Precisely, peach gum polysaccharide can effectively reguate the structure of gut microbiota and has potential probiotic effects including anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, maintenance of gut gut microbiota and has pot epithelial barrier and so on. 2025 eijing cadey of od Science. ulishing services y lsevier . f f (c) 2025 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences. Publishing ervicesby Elsevier B.V . on behalf ofKeAi Communications Co Ltd This is an open access article under the CC BY NC ND license Communications Co Ltd This s an open accss article under he CC BY license Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC -ND license (http://creativecommonsorg/icenses/by nc nd/40/) (http://creativecommonsorg/licenses/y nc nd/40/) (
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