Taylor theory in quantum calculus: a general approach
Enas M. Shehata Rasha M. El Zafarani 1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,Faculty of Science,Menoufia University,Gamal Abdelnaser street,Shibin El-Koom,32511,Egypt2 Department of Mathematics,Faculty of Science,Ain Shams University,Cairo,Egypt. E-Mail
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2024.2396517
Quaestiones Mathematicae
Abstract:Let the function β be strictly increasing and continuous on an interval I ⊂ R. The β -difference operator is defined by D β f ( t ) = ( f ( β ( t )) − f ( t )/( β ( t ) – t ), where t ≠ β ( t ), and D β f ( t ) = f ′ t ( t ) when t = s 0 is a fixed point of the function β . This quantum operator is a generalization of q -Jackson, Hahn, power and other quantum operators. As a convenience of the β -function: β ( t ) turns into the probability distribution function with the probability measure 1, and the sample space R, in the case of its conditions are relaxed to be increasing and continuous from the right, that is, lim t →∞ β ( t ) = 1 and lim t →∞ β ( t ) = 0, and also by using the Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure of the interval [ a, b ] to be β ( b ) − β ( a ). In this paper, we investigate a β -Taylor's formula associated with the operator D β when the function β has a unique fixed point s 0 ∈ I , which may allow for more flexible and accurate approximations of functions. An estimation of its remainder is given. Additionally, the β -power series is defined. Furthermore, as application, the β -expansion form of some fundamental functions is introduced. Finally, we find the unique solution of the β -shifting problem.