Search Forb→utransitions Inb−→dk−andd

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Gamba,Mario Pelliccioni,M. Bomben,L. Lanceri,L. Vitale,N. López-March,F. Martínez-Vidal,Diego Alejandro Milanes,A. Oyanguren,J. Albert,Swagato Banerjee,H. H. F. Choi,K. Hamano,G. J. King,R. Kowalewski,M. J. Lewczuk,I. M. Nugent,J. M. Roney,R. Sobie,Timothy Gershon,P. F. Harrison,J. Ilić,T. E. Latham,E. M. T. Puccio,H. R. Band,S. Dasu,K. T. Flood,Y. Pan,R. Prepost,C. Vuosalo,Sau Lan Wu
Abstract:We report results from an updated study of the suppressed decays B- to D K- and B- to D* K- followed by D to K+pi-, where D(*) indicates a D(*)0 or an anti-D(*)0 meson, and D* decays to D pi0 or D gamma. These decays are sensitive to the CKM unitarity triangle angle gamma, due to interference between the b to c transition B- to D(*)0K- followed by the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay D0 to K+pi-, and the b to u transition B- to anti-D(*)0K- followed by the Cabibbo-favored decay anti-D0 to K+pi-. We also report an analysis of the decay B- to D(*)pi- with the D decaying into the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed mode D to K+pi-. Our results are based on 467 million Upsilon (4S) to B anti-B decays collected with the BaBar detector at SLAC. We measure the ratios R(*) of the suppressed ([K+pi-]_D K-/pi-) to favored ([K-pi+]_D K-/pi-) branching fractions as well as the CP asymmetries A(*) of those modes. We see indications of signals for the B- to D K- and B- to D*K-, D*->D pi0 suppressed modes, with statistical significances of 2.1 and 2.2 sigma, respectively, and we measure: R_{DK} = (1.1\pm 0.6 \pm 0.2)\times 10^{-2}, A_{DK} = -0.86 \pm 0.47 \ ^{+0.12}_{-0.16}, R*_{(D pi0)K} = (1.8\pm 0.9 \pm 0.4)\times 10^{-2}, A*_{(D pi0)K} = +0.77 \pm 0.35\pm 0.12, R*_{(D gamma)K} = (1.3\pm 1.4\pm 0.8 )\times 10^{-2}, A*_{(D gamma)K} = +0.36 \pm 0.94\ ^{+0.25}_{-0.41}, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. We use a frequentist approach to obtain the magnitude of the ratio r_B = |A(B- to anti-D0 K-) / A(B- to D0K-)|= (9.5^{+5.1}_{-4.1})%, with r_B<16.7% at 90% confidence level. In the case of B- to D* K- we find r*_B = |A(B^- to anti-D*0 K-)/A(B- to D*0 K-)|=(9.6^{+3.5}_{-5.1})%, with r*_B<15.0% at 90% confidence level.
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