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IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We report on a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decays ${B}_{d,s}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$, ${B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}^{+}$, and ${B}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}^{*0}$ using data from $p\overline{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}1.8\mathrm{TeV}$, collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab during the 1992--1993 running period. We find no indication of such decays, and we set the following 90% confidence level upper limits on branching ratios: $B({B}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}})<1.6\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}$, $B({B}_{s}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}})<8.4\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}$, $B({B}^{+}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}^{+})<1.0\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}5}$, and $B({B}^{0}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{+}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}}{K}^{*0})<2.5\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}5}$.
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