Defaultable Bond Markets with Jumps
Dewen Xiong,Michael Kohlmann
Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Abstract:We construct a model for the term structure in a market of defaultable bonds with jumps {p(d)(t, T); t <= T}, T epsilon (0, T*). We derive the instantaneous defaultable forward rate f(d)(t, T) defined by p(d)(t, T) = I-{t<<(tau)over tilde>} e(-) integral(T)(t)f(d)(t, l)dl in the real world probability. We are also given default-free bonds {p(t, T); t <= T epsilon (0, T*] and we establish the market consisting of both the defaultable and the nondefaultable bonds. In this market, we study the common equivalent martingale measure and in this arbitrage free market we derive the relationship between the forward rates f(t, T) and f(d)(t, T) associated with the two sorts of bonds. Especially, it is proved that in a parameterized market with common equivalent martingale measure where f(t, T) can be described by (1.1) the defaultable forward rate f(d)(t, T) can be reconstructed from the special form of the default-free forward rate f(t, T) if a certain system of BSDEs has a solution.Finally, we extend the results to a market with recovery rate and give examples where the system of BSDEs has a solution.