Coherent Thomson Scattering Radiation Generated by Using PEHG

Si Chen,Senlin Huang,K. Ohmi,H. D. Yoo
Abstract:The density modulation method of the newly proposed PEHG is used to generate ultra-short electron longitudinal structures for the bunch of a 100MeV ERL. Coherent Thomson scattering radiation in EUV range can be emitted by the scattering of such a modulated bunch with a long wavelength laser. INTRODUCTION Thomson scattering of an intense laser by relativistic electrons has thus drawn a considerable attention by its possibility of generating short wavelength radiations with relatively lower beam energy. In the recent years, several Thomson scattering light sources have been builted and some new methods of improving the performance of Thomson scattering light sources have been proposed. However, because of the bunch length is usually much longer than the radiation wavelength in these cases, the scattered radiation is mostly incoherent. In order to generate coherent Thomson scattering radiation, electron bunches with ultra-thin longitudinal structures, whose length is compariable or even shorter than the wavelength of scattered radiation, should be obtained first. In order to get such a ultra-thin longitudinal structure in electron bunches, several methods have been proposed previously [1, 2]. In this paper, we are referring a newly proposed bunch longitudinal density modulation method which is called Phase-merging Enhanced Harmonic Generation (PEHG) [3–5] to generate the ultra-thin bunch slices. By colliding with a long wavelength laser pulse generated by ERL beam, coherent and ultra-short pulse radiation is emitted through coherent Thomson scattering. THOMSON SCATTERING When a relativistic electron beam collides with an intense laser beam propagates along the inverse direction, the electrons start to oscillate driven by the Lorentz force of the laser electromagnetic field and generate intense and highly concentrated radiation along the direction of electrons propagate. This laser-electron collision process is so called Thomson scattering. The strength of the incident laser is described by the dimensionless vector potential, which can be expressed by the parameters of laser as aL = eEL mecωL = 0.85 × 10−9λL[μm]I 0 [W/cm2] (1) where EL , ωL are the electrical field and the angular frequency of the incident laser. The radiation wavelength of Thomson scattering is quite similar to the undulator radiation thus it is also called laser undulator radiation. Considering the scenario of backscattering, the radiation wavelength is λr = λL 4γ2 (1 + aL 2 + γ2θ2) (2) where θ is the radiation angle and λL is the wavelength of the incident laser. Because of λL is usually much smaller than the traditional undulator period, one can generate radiation with similar wavelength but much smaller γ. DENSITY MODULATION BY PEHG Basic Principle of PEHG PEHG was first proposed as an alternated harmonic generation method to the traditional HGHG [7, 8]. The performance of traditional HGHG method is restricted by the existence of initial energy spread of the electron bunch. As is shown in Eq. 3, bn =< e−inθ j >= e− 1 2 n 2σ2 γ ( dθ dγ ) 2 Jn (nΔγ dθ dγ ). (3) where dθ dγ = 2πR56/λsγ0, λs is the wavelength of seeding laser, γ0 is the Lorentz factor of electron beam, σγ is the initial energy spread, Δγ = ksauFB γ0 asNuλu with FB = J0(ξ) − J1(ξ) and ξ = a2 u/2/(1 + a2 u/2), is the maximum energy modulation. The bunching factor drops exponentially with the harmonic increases due to the none-zero σγ in the exponential term. Because the bunching factor is the Fourier expansion of the longitudinal distribution, this also indicates the length of the longitudinal structure in the phase space is restricted. In PEHG, the traditional modulator undulator is replaced by a Transverse Gradient Undulator (TGU) with transverse field gradient α and a dog-leg section is put in the front stream of the TGU to provide a dispersion η. The dog-leg acts a function of transverse-longitudinal coupling to establish a correlation between transverse position with energy. Then the electron bunch passes through the TGU and this correlation alternated to the correlation between electron energy and different undulator parameter. The principle equation inside the TGU is shown in Eq. (4) [3], γ′ − γ′ 0 γ − γ0 = 1 − 2πNuΔγ γ0 ( αηK0 K2 0 + 2 − 1). (4) where γ′ 0 and γ ′ are the Lorentz factor of an reference electron and an arbitrary electron which have the same phase at the exit of the dog-leg; γ0 and γ are the corresponding Proceedings of IPAC2015, Richmond, VA, USA TUPWA072 2: Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators A06 Free Electron Lasers ISBN 978-3-95450-168-7 1601 Co py rig ht © 20 15 CC -B Y3. 0 an d by th er es pe ct iv ea ut ho rs Lorentz factor at the entrance of the TGU, Nu and K0 are the period number and the central undulator parameter respectively. By properly choosing the transverse gradient α of TGU and the dispersion strength η of the dog-leg to make the right side of Eq. (4) becomes zero. It indicates that the electrons with the same energy are merging to the same phase during the energy modulation process. After passing through the dispersion section with proper value of R56, ultra-thin longitudinal structures are obtained inside the electron bunch. The optimized value of αη can be derived from Eq. (4), (αη)opt = ( γ0 2πNuΔγ + 1) K2 0 + 2 K2 0 . (5) Ultra-thin Longitudinal Structure Generated by PEHG Considering an ERL with electron energy of 100 MeV, we simulate the phase space evolution under the manipulation method of PEHG. The detailed parameters for simulation is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Simulation Parameters TGU modulator Period length λu 2 cm Period number Nu 15 Undulator strength au 2.0316 Seeding laser Wavelength λs 800 nm Vector potential as 3.7761×10−5 Max. energy modulation amplitude Δγ 180 keV Electron beam Central beam energy E0 100 MeV Beam energy spread σE 30 keV Bunch charge Ipk 77 pC Bunch length lb 1 ps With the parameters described above, Eq. (5) gives the theoretical value of optimized αη ≈ 10.24. However, in actually, because of the dispersion of undulator, the optimized value of αη is slightly different with the theoretical value. Meanwhile, the R56 value of the dispersion section should also be optimized to achieve a better rotation inside the longitudinal phase space. Figure 1 shows the optimization of αη and R56 in the form of bunching factor of the 40th harmonic of the seeding laser. From Fig. 1, the optimized value of αη ≈ 9.2 and R56 ≈ 6.425× 10−5. With these parameters, the longitudinal phase space after the density modulation of PEHG is shown in Fig. 2(a). As a comparison, the longitudinal phase space modulated by HGHG is also shown in the same figure (with a slight slippage to distinguish the two longitudinal phase space). As is shown in Fig. 2, the longitudinal phase merging is significantly enhanced in PEHG, so that most electrons are concentrated to a set of extremely short slices. The bunching 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 x 10 −5 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
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