Broad-line AGNs with Candidate Intermediate-mass Black Holes in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Xiao-Bo Dong,Tao Wang,Weimin Yuan,Hao Zhou,Huanyuan Shan,H. Wang,H. Lu,K. Zhang
Abstract:We have conducted a systematic search of AGNs with IMBHs from the SDSS DR4. As results we found 245 broad-line AGNs with MBH < 10M⊙ estimated from the luminosity and width of the broad Hα component. Compared to the pioneer Greene & Ho (2004) sample of 19 objects, our sample has improved in covering a larger range of the Eddington ratio, as well as black hole mass and redshift, taking the advantage of our AGN-galaxy spectral decomposition algorithm. Among these, thirty-six have Lbol/LEdd < 0.1, hinting that a significant fraction of IMBHs might exist with weak or no nuclear activity. This can be examined in the future via deriving the Lbol/LEdd distribution of IMBH AGNs using Monte-Carlo simulation. Interestingly, We have discovered a dwarf galaxy SDSS J160531.84+174826.1 at z=0.032 hosting a Seyfert 1 nucleus with MBH ~7x10M⊙. A broad component of the Hα line with FWHM=781 km/s is detected in its optical spectrum, and a bright, point-like nucleus is evident from a HST imaging observation. Non-thermal X-ray emission is also detected from the nucleus. The host galaxy appears to be a disk galaxy with a boxy bulge or nuclear bar; with an absolute magnitude of MR= -17.8 (MB=-16.4), it is among the least luminous host galaxies ever identified for a Seyfert 1. Broad-line AGNs with Candidate Intermediate-mass Black holes in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Xiao-Bo Dong1, Ting-Gui Wang1, Wei-Min Yuan2, Hong-Yan Zhou1, Hong-Guang Shan2, Hui-Yuan Wang, Hong-Lin Lu1, Kai Zhang1 1 Center for Astrophysics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China 2 National Astronomical Observatories/Yunnan Observatory, CAS, Kunming, Yunnan 650011, China Distribution of redshifts, masses, Eddington ratios and line-widths of the 245 IMBH AGNs from the SDSS DR4. Left: The SDSS spectrum and the starlight/continuum decomposition. Right: The line fit in the Ha+[N II] region. Introduction: Astrophysical black holes with masses in the 10M⊙ range (intermediate mass black hole or IMBH) are of significant implications to black hole research and cosmology in at least several aspects: filling the gap between stellar mass black holes and super-massive black holes (10M⊙, SMBH) observationally; testing theories of formation/evolution of black holes and galaxies; providing new physical insight into AGN and black hole accretion models. The search for IMBH turns out to be a difficult task, however, since IMBHs are beyond the reach of direct measurement using star/gas dynamics. The most promising approach is to search for dwarf AGNs hosted in small galaxies. So far, convincing evidence for the existence of IMBHs has been found in only two AGNs, NGC 4395 (Filippenko & Ho 2003; MBH = 3.6+/-1.1 x 10M⊙, Peterson et al. 2005) and Pox 52 (MBH = 1.6 x 10M⊙, Barth et al. 2004). Greene & Ho (2004) found 19 IMBH candidates from the SDSS DR1, which are preferentially in high accretion mode (mainly due to their selection method). A fundamental question remains open whether IMBHs are truly rare or they are just mostly quiescent. To address this and other related questions we have conducted a thorough search for IMBH AGNs using data from the SDSS DR4. SDSS J160531.84+174826.1: A Dwarf Disk Galaxy With An Intermediate-Mass Black Hole The broad-line AGN sample with IMBHs 2-D decomposition of the HST/WFPC2 F606W image using GALFIT (Peng et al. 2002). Top: the original data (left) and the residual from the best-fitting PSF + two Sersic model (right). The standard deviation of the distribution for the fractional residuals fresidual/fHST ~ 0.1 within the sky region 10 times or more brighter than the sky level. Bottom: the best-fit inner Sersic component (left) and outer Sersic component with the contours of the original image overlaid (right). See astro-ph/0610145 (ApJ in press) for details Note. col. (4, 5): In unit of 10^38ergs/s. Col. (6):Unabsorbed X-ray luminosity in the 2-10keV range, in unit of 10^40 ergs/s. (a): From FH03. (b): From FS89. (c): Observed X-ray luminosity in the 0.22keV range from Moran et al. 1999. (d): From Vaughan et al. 2005. (e): Mean observed X-ray luminosity in the 0.3-2.4keV. (f): Form B04. We performed spectral analysis for all the galaxies and QSOs with redshift z < 0.35 from the SDSS DR4 spectroscopic data base covering 4783 deg2. Starlight and nuclear continuum were subtracted from SDSS spectra using the method as described in Zhou et al. (2006). We employ the Ensemble Learning Independent Component Analysis algorithm to model starlight (see Lu et al. 2006 for details). Emission line spectra were fitted using the code as described in Dong et al. (2005). Based on fitted line parameters, we culled broad-line AGNs following the criterion as described in Dong et al. (2005). Black hole masses were estimated from the luminosity and width of a broad Halpha component (Greene & Ho 2005). Finally, we found 245 broad-line AGN with candidate IMBHs, sampling the ranges of 5x104 < MBH < 106 M⊙, 0.006< z < 0.3 and 0.02 < Lbol/LEdd < 8 (See the left figures). As noted by GH04, for IMBH AGNs whose spectrum are dominated by narrow emission lines or which are embedded in a much more luminous host galaxy, weak broad lines are hard to discern; this is especially true for those in a low accretion state. For the recovery of weak broad lines, accurate decomposition of AGN--galaxy spectra is essential, as well as careful fitting of the lines. Resulting from our algorithms improved in both aspects, we found 36 candidate IMBHs with Lbol/LEdd < 0.1. Considering the selection effects that is seriously against finding such objects, we suggest that there might exist a large fraction of IMBHs with weak or no AGN activity. This can be examined in future via deriving the Lbol/LEdd distribution of IMBH AGNs (Dong et al., in prep.) using Monte-Carlo simulations to handle the various selection effects (the SDSS magnitude limit, starlight dilution, and the broadline criterion, etc.).
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