Chromosome Report Oflycorisherb. (Amaryllidaceae)
Xiaolin Huang,Meifang Dong,Xiaohui Wang,Fei Shang
Abstract:Online supplementary data: S6-1. Fig. 1. Karyotype of 13 materials of Lycoris (1, Lycoris longituba var. flava. 2, L. aurea. 3, L. chinensis. 4, L. longituba. 5, L. sprengeri. 6, L. radiata. 7, L. radiata var. radiate. 8, L. haywardii. 9, L. houdyshellii. 10, L. incarnata. 11, L. straminea. 12, L. shaanxiensis. 13, L. anhuiensis). S6-2. Fig. 2. Idiograms of 13 materials of Lycoris (1, Lycoris radiate. 2, L. aurea. 3, L. chinensis. 4, L. longituba. 5, L. sprengeri. 6, L. longituba var. flava. 7, L. shaanxiensis. 8, L. anhuiensis. 9, L. straminea. 10, L. incarnata. 11, L. haywardii. 12, L. houdyshellii. 13, L. radiata var. radiate). S6-3. Table 1 Relative length, arm ratio, and classification of chromosomes of 13 species of Lycoris S6-4. Table 2 Parameters of chromosomes of 13 species of Lycoris S6-5. References Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.