Mobility of Molecular Motors Regulates Contractile Behaviors of Actin Networks
Atsushi Matsuda,Jing Li,Peter Brumm,Taiji Adachi,Yasuhiro Inoue,Taeyoon Kim
Abstract:Cells generate mechanical forces primarily from interactions between F-actin, cross-linking proteins, myosin motors, and other actin-binding proteins in the cytoskeleton. To understand how molecular interactions between the cytoskeletal elements generate forces, a number of in vitro experiments have been performed but are limited in their ability to accurately reproduce the diversity of motor mobility. In myosin motility assays, myosin heads are fixed on a surface and glide F-actin. By contrast, in reconstituted gels, the motion of both myosin and F-actin is unrestricted. Because only these two extreme conditions have been used, the importance of mobility of motors for network behaviors has remained unclear. In this study, to illuminate the impacts of motor mobility on the contractile behaviors of the actin cytoskeleton, we employed an agent-based computational model based on Brownian dynamics. We find that if motors can bind to only one F-actin like myosin I, networks are most contractile at intermediate mobility. In this case, less motor mobility helps motors stably pull F-actins to generate tensile forces, whereas higher motor mobility allows F-actins to aggregate into larger clustering structures. The optimal intermediate motor mobility depends on the stall force and affinity of motors that are regulated by mechanochemical rates. In addition, we find that the role of motor mobility can vary drastically if motors can bind to a pair of F-actins. A network can exhibit large contraction with high motor mobility because motors bound to antiparallel pairs of F-actins can exert similar forces regardless of their mobility. Results from this study imply that the mobility of molecular motors may critically regulate contractile behaviors of actin networks in cells.