Sublethal Effects and Toxicokinetics of Inhaled 1,3-Dichloropropene in Rats
Huimin Yang
Abstract:1,3-Dichloropropene (1,3-DCP) i s widely used as a preplant s o i l fumigant f o r the cont ro l of p a r a s i t i c nematodes i n cot ton, vegetables, f r u i t t r e e s and tobacco. Commercial formulations of 1,3-DCP a r e comprised of c i s and t r ans isomers and have been shown t o be carcinogenic and mutagenic i n laboratory animals. 1,3-DCP i s absorbed by animals following dermal, o r a l and inhala t ion routes of adminis trat ion. Although inhala t ion i s t h e main route of occupational exposure, l i t t l e i s known of t h e suble tha l e f f e c t s and toxicokine t ics of 1,3-DCP i n animals following vapor inha la t ion . The purposes of t h i s study were (1) t o examine t h e absorption and el iminat ion of inhaled 1,3-DCP i n r a t s which were untreated o r p re t rea ted with chemicals, ( 2 ) t o develop a toxicokine t ic model which descr ibes the absorption and clearance of inhaled 1,3-DCP, and (3) t o study t h e suble tha l e f f e c t s of 1,3-DCP i n the r a t s . Both isomers of 1,3-DCP were absorbed systemically by the r a t following vapor inhala t ion . The blood concentrationtime p r o f i l e s could be described adequately by a 2compartment open toxicokine t ic model with zero-order absorption and sa turable clearance processes. Pretreatment
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