FastBackground Subtraction Andshadowelimination UsingImproved Gaussian Mixture Model

Zhenjiang Miao
Abstract:Background Subtraction iswidely usedtodetect movingThemodelwouldnotworkwellinbusyenvironments object from static cameras. Itisusually regard asoneofthemost because there isnearly noclean background. Theauthor used important stepinapplications suchastraffic monitoring, human anexpected sufficient statistics updateequations tobegin motion capture andrecognition, video surveillance, etc. Inorder to their estimating oftheGaussian mixture model, thenswitch geta goodperformance ofthewholesystem, thebackgroundtoL-recent windowversion whenthefirst L samples are subtraction method could notbesotimeandspace consuming, and theaccuracy isalso required. Gaussian Mixture Modelisarobustprocessed, andgotagoodperformance. Secondly, pistoo background subtraction method andiswidely usedever since itis small duetothelikelihood factor. Thisleads totooslow proposed. Someoftheshortcomings ofthis model suchasslow adaptations inthemeansandthecovariance matrices, updating rate, slowinitialization procedure andtimeandspacetherefore thetracker canfailwithina fewsecondsafter consuming canbeseeninsomeliteratures andthecorresponding initialization. Theysimply cutoutthelikelihood termfromp resolution methods arealso proposed. Inthis paper, animprovedtosolve this problem. In(10), theauthor applied this model Gaussian Mixture Modelisproposed tosavetime andspace. New indifferent color spaces, compared their performances and shadow detection andnoise removing method arealso proposed. concluded thatYCbCisthemostsuitable color spacefor Keywords -Background Subtraction, GMM,Shadow Elimination, segmentation. In(11), theauthor incorporates thebackground Noise Removing. reconstruction andforeground mergence timecontrol into the adaptive Mixture ofGaussians, inorder toconstruct astatic
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