ErrorExponentforGaussian Channels Withpartial Sequential Feedback

Dongning Guo
Abstract:We consider an additive whiteGaussian noise (AWGN)channel withpartial sequential feedback. Namely, for everyfixed-length blockofforward transmissions afraction of thereceived symbols arefedbacksequentially tothetransmitter through anoiseless feedback link. Itiswellknownthatcomplete noiseless feedback canprovide a dramatic improvement in reliability (i.e., double-exponential error ratewithblock length). We showthatpartial feedback canalsoprovide a substantial improvement inerror rate. Specifically, wepropose acapacity- achieving coding schemewithpartial feedback, inwhichthe feedback isusedtoinduce aprior distribution forthedecoding ofrandomforward errorcontrol (FEC)codewords. Theerror- exponent forthis schemeislarger thantheerror-exponent with FEC codingonlyatallrates. Forratesgreater thanthose achieved bytransmissions withfeedback alone, wegive anupper boundontheerrorexponent. Exponents close tothis boundcan beachieved withboththeproposed schemeandasimple rate- splitting scheme. Withfinite blocklengths, theproposed coding schemeachieves lowererrorrates thanrate-splitting.
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