Factors Influencing Theassimilation Ofe-Commerce Forsmall-and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Bao Gong-min
Abstract:Thispaperdrawsuponthetheory onthe contexts oftechnology diffuse toexplain theimportance offive factors- technology Readiness, TopManagement Championship, Organizational Readiness, Extentof Coordination andCompetition Intensity -inpromoting heightened levels ofE-commerce assimilation within an organization. we develop an integrative modelto examine e-commerce assimilation forsmall andmedium sized(SMEs)enterprises. The modelfeatures technological, organizational, and environmental contexts as prominent antecedents of e-commerce assimilation. Basedonthis model, wehypothesize how technology readiness, topmanagement championship, organizational readiness, extent ofcoordination and competition intensity influences e-commerce assimilation atthefirmlevel. A survey wasdesigned based onprevious research andaseries ofcasestudies conducted. Themethodofanalysis employed was structural equation modeling based ondata collected.Our empirical analysis leadstoseveral keyfindings:1) Technology readiness isthestrongest factor facilitating assimilation. 2)Too muchcompetition isnotnecessarily goodfortechnology assimilation.3)The E-commerce assimilation isdetermined bytheorganizational context (Top ManagementChampionship, Organizational Readiness, Extent ofCoordination)
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