Current Treatment for Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer

Abstract:The liver is the commonest site of distant metastasis ofcolorectal cancer and nearly half of the patients withcolorectal cancer ultimately develop liver involved duringthe course of their diseases. Surgery is the only therapythat offers the possibility of cure for patients with hepaticmetastatic diseases. Five-year survival rates after resectionof all detectable liver metastases can be up to 40 %.Unfortunately, only 25 % of patients with colorectal livermetastases are candidates for liver resection, while the othersare not amenable to surgical resection. Regional therapiessuch as radiofrequency ablation and cryotherapy may beoffered to patients with isolated unresectable metastasesbut no extrahepatic diseases. Hepatic artery catheterchemotherapy and chemoembolization and portal veinembolization are often used for the patients with extensiveliver metastases but without extrahepatic diseases, whichare not suitable for regional ablation. For the patients withmetastatic colorectal cancer beyond the liver, systemicchemotherapy is a more appropriate choice. Immunotherapyis also a good option when other therapies are used incombination to enhance the efficacy. Selective internalradiation therapy is a new radiation method which can beused in patients given other routine therapies Without effects.
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